Running parallel jobs located in AFS

To work from the home directory, you must have a script file there to run, in the same place – the program or executable and all the input files. In this script file there should be a command:


Example of a script file for running a task with parallel computations on several processors (all files in the home directory):


# “defq” is the queue from which jobs are sent to the common queue and ib
#PBS -q defq
# We request 50 minutes. Astronomical time for the assignment
#PBS -l walltime = 00: 50: 00
# And 5 minutes. Counting time on 1 processor
#PBS -l cput = 00: 05: 00
# The job is run on 10 CPUs
#PBS -l nodes = 10
# Go to the home directory where the qsub command started.
# And where the program and data files are located

# Preparing the executable file
mpicc -o test test.c
# Run the program for execution on all CPUs
mpiexec ./test