EOSCTA . Short user’s instruction .

Authorization by certificate.

To work with EOSCTA, members of virtual organizations must have a role with write access, for example, “production” and then log in using the voms-proxy-init command:

1) Log in to the farm via
ssh/putty/bitvise lxui.jinr.ru

2) Get a proxy:
voms-proxy-init —voms …..

3) Configure environment variables for EOSCTA:
export XrdSecPROTOCOL=gsi,unix
export EOS_MGM_URL=root://cta-eos.jinr-t1.ru

4) write to /eos/project/dir/file.txt —
after a while, the data will be moved to the tape.

5) checking the file on the tape:
xrdfs $EOS_MGM_URL query prepare 11 /eos/project/dir/


2. With Kerberos

For users without using a certificate :

1) Log in to the farm via
ssh/putty/bitvise lxui.jinr.ru

3) Configure environment variables for EOSCTA:
export XrdSecPROTOCOL=krb5,unix
export EOS_MGM_URL=root://cta-eos.jinr-t1.ru

4) write to /eos/project/dir/file.txt —
after a while, the data will be moved to the tape.

5) checking the file on the tape:
xrdfs $EOS_MGM_URL query prepare 11 /eos/project/dir/

PS: Access to the feeds is provided personally, as a rule, to one or two users.

To copy data to EOSCTA, you can use the following commands

eoscp :
Usage: eoscp [–version] [-5] [-0] [-X <type>] [-t <mb/s>] [-h] [-x] [-v] [-V] [-d] [-l] [-j] [-b <size>] [-T <size>] [-Y] [-n] [-s] [-u <id>] [-g <id>] [-S <#>] [-D <#>] [-O <filename>] [-N <name>]<src1> [src2…] <dst1> [dst2…]

<srcN> : path/url or – for STDIN
<dstN> : path/url or – for STDOUT


gfal-copy -f <your file> davs://dvl-eos.jinr.en:8443//eos/project/dir/

gfal-copy -f davs://eos.jinr.ru:8443//<your file> davs://dvl-eos.jinr.ru:8443//eos/project/dir/

It should be remembered that in EOS you can write a file with the same name as an existing one, but it will be a new file, respectively, a new copy will be created on the tapes. The file census can be avoided if you do not use the –f flag.

The eoscp command works the same way as gfal-copy –f.

6) Upload a file from the tape to disk
xrdfs $EOS_MGM_URL prepare -s /eos/project/test/file.txt

7) Check the status of the file on the disk by repeating the request command (wait a few minutes, up to an hour if there are a lot of downloads):
xrdfs $EOS_MGM_URL query prepare 12 /eos/project/test/file.txt

8) Next, copy the /eos/project/test/file.txt to any directory on your local disk or /eos/user/…. :

xrdcp root://cta-eos.jinr-t1.ru//eos/project/user/…. file.txt

If you do not do this, the file will be lost.

8) If you want to have a copy of the EOS file on the EOSCTA tape, use the xrdcp command :

xrdcp file.txt root://cta-eos.jinr-t1.ru//eos/project/user/…./file.txt



The optimal file size for writing 3-8 GB each file.
If you write smaller files,
they will take up more physical space on the tapes, and sum up
the write/read speed will not be optimal, it will increase.
If more, writing and reading each file will be large



