Tuesday , 14 December 2021, 15:00, Room 310
Online seminar via Webex
V.Yu. Yushankhai, L.A. Siurakshina
Computational methods of quantum chemistry and relativistic effects in the electronic structure of heavy and superheavy elements
With an increase in the atomic number Z, a quantum description of the electronic structure of heavy elements and their chemical compounds can be achieved only in the relativistic approach. The report gives a general overview of methods of computational quantum chemistry in their development from the non-relativistic to relativistic limit. The results of applying these methods to describe a number of specific physical and chemical characteristics of systems containing the elements of the 6th and 7th periods of the Periodic Table are also considered.
Reporting seminars
of young scientists and specialists who received AYSS grants
and M.G. Mescheryakov and N.N. Govorun prizes
Online seminar via Webex
Room 310
Wednesday, 24 November 2021, 11.00
1. Bashashin M.V.
2. Balashov N.A.
3. Golunov A.O.
4. Kashunin I.A.
5. Zuev M.I.
6. Pryahina D.I.
7. Pelevanyuk I.S.
8. Stankus D.B.
9. Torosyan A.G.
Thursday, 25 November 2021, 11.00
1. Baranov D.A.
2. Voytishin N.N.
3. Butenko Yu.A.
4. Grafov E.A.
5. Matveev M.A.
6. Zaikina T.N.
7. Sokolov I.A.
8. Kakenov M.
9. Kuznetsova E.S.
Friday, 19 November 2021, 10:00
MLIT Conference Hall
Online seminar via Webex
Tchernykh Andrei
a CICESE Research Center, Ensenada, Baja California, México,
b Institute for System Programming of the RAS, Moscow, Russia
c Laboratory of Problem-Oriented Cloud Computing” at South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia
Methods and Algorithms for Solving Resource Optimization Problems in Non-Stationary Distributed Heterogeneous Computing Environments
(based on the doctoral thesis)
The talk discusses the opportunities and challenges of mitigating uncertainty in cloud computing. The structure of uncertainties arising, in particular, from performance and bandwidth changes, virtualization, and elasticity, is analyzed. The uncertainty associated with workload properties, the dynamism of the execution context and the uncertainty related to such important aspects as privacy, security, and availability are also described.
Planning challenges for different scenarios of HPC, Grid and Cloud Infrastructures are addressed. Some theoretical and experimental results are provided, and static, dynamic and adaptive approaches are considered. The challenges of resource optimization in the presence of nonstationarity, ranging from resource heterogeneity handling, the dynamic behavior of the execution context, as well as the uncertainties associated with cloud parameters, are discussed.
Во вторник, 5 октября, в 12-00 состоится Webex-семинар в к.310.
Подключение к семинару:
Название: On the phase space formalism of finite level quantum mechanics
Место: https://jinr.webex.com/jinr/j.php?MTID=m0e18b4a94961c7df39b6d9d9ee0cbf27
Когда: 5 октября 2021 г. 12:00 – 14:00
Номер совещания (код доступа): 2408 233 1242
Пароль совещания: fKvSNReG285

*Wednesday, 21 July 2021, 15:00*
*MLIT Conference Hall*
*Online seminar via Webex*
*Bobyleva Irina*
(Samara National Research University)
*Method for programming calculations in a hybrid cloud by the example of pairwise processing of data array elements*
(based on the PhD thesis)
The report discusses the problem of the efficient use of a hybrid
cloud in the context of a method for developing algorithms in a form
that is convenient for execution on an arbitrary set of computing
resources. The method is based on the joint application of Cole’s
algorithmic skeletons and a variant of Hewitt’s actor model to describe
many-task computing. The proposed method is investigated by the example
of algorithms for pairwise processing of data arrays according to the
principle of a round-robin tournament. Computational experiments
demonstrate the effectiveness of software implementations of these
algorithms on various types of modern computer architectures that
represent hybrid cloud resources.
Dear colleagues!
We kindly invite you to participate in the JINR Institutional Seminar that will be held on *21 July* (Wednesday) at *16:00* .
The seminar will be *fully online* via Zoom.
Speaker: *Prof. Christophe Royon* (The University of Kansas, Lawrence, USA)
Title: *Measuring intact protons at the LHC: From the odderon discovery to the search for axion-like particles*
In the first part of the talk, we will describe the odderon discovery by the TOTEM and D0 experiments. The analysis compares the proton-antiproton elastic cross section as measured by the D0 Collaboration at a center-of-mass energy of 1.96 TeV to that in pp collisions as measured by the TOTEM Collaboration at 2.76, 7, 8, and 13 TeV. The two data sets disagree at the 3.4 sigma level and thus provide evidence for the t-channel exchange of a colorless, C-odd gluonic compound, also known as the odderon. We combine these results with a TOTEM analysis of the same C-odd exchange based on the total cross section and the ratio of the real to imaginary parts of the forward elastic strong interaction scattering amplitude in pp scattering, leading to a combined significance larger than 5 sigma. In a second part of the talk, we will describe the perspective on the search for quartic anomalous couplings and axion-like particles using tagged protons in the final state, leading to sensitivities to beyond standard model physics that improve by 2 to 3 orders of magnitude on the coupling. We will finish by describing briefly the ultra fast silicon detectors for timing measurements as well as for medical and cosmic ray physics applications.
Seminar Indico page:
Zoom meeting room:
Meeting ID: 983 8198 9193
Password: cZBnLx
With best regards,
Alexander Bednyakov
Wednesday, 21 July 2021, 15:00
MLIT Conference Hall
Online seminar via Webex
Meeting code: 137 984 1192
Meeting passwd : aGHzTqAF835
Bobyleva Irina (Samara National Research University)
Method for programming calculations in a hybrid cloud by the example of pairwise processing of data array elements(based on the PhD thesis)
The report discusses the problem of the efficient use of a hybrid cloud in the context of a method for developing algorithms in a form that is convenient for execution on an arbitrary set of computing resources. The method is based on the joint application of Cole’s algorithmic skeletons and a variant of Hewitt’s actor model to describe many-task computing. The proposed method is investigated by the example of algorithms for pairwise processing of data arrays according to the principle of a round-robin tournament. Computational experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of software implementations of these algorithms on various types of modern computer architectures that represent hybrid cloud resources.
Jule 14, 11:00– 13:00
MLIT Conference Hall
Online seminar via Webex
Meeting number (access code) : 137 129 7432
Meeting password: fSnsZnDs437
Oleynik Danila
Methodology and software for integrating supercomputers into the distributed data processing system of the ATLAS experiment (based on the PhD thesis)The talk will present the results of research and development carried out by the applicant in the BigPanDA project. A methodology for integration of high-performance computing (HPC) resources (supercomputers) into distributed high-throughput computing (HTC) systems for processing of scientific data will be presented. The implementation of this methodology will be shown both as a prototype and a full-scale software package as a part of the PanDA workload management system (PanDA WMS). Set of recommendations were formulated for managing of high-throughput data processing on HPC as one of results of research. The possibility of increasing the efficiency of using of leadership computing facilities was demonstrated through using of PanDA WMS.
Tuesday, 29 June 2021, 15:00
MLIT Conference Hall
Online seminar via Webex
Vladimir Kornyak
Constructive Study of Decompositions of Quantum Systems Into Subsystems
Any Hilbert space with composite dimension can be represented as a tensor product of smaller Hilbert spaces. This factorization allows one to decompose a quantum system into subsystems. We propose a model based on finite quantum mechanics for the constructive study of such decompositions and for the study of quantum correlations in the resulting multicomponent systems. To solve these problems, we develop and implement algorithms based on methods of computer algebra and computational group theory.
Seminar of the participants of the poster presentations by young scientists on the 54th meeting of the PAC for Condensed Matter Physics
Thursday, 24 June 2021, 15:00
MLIT Conference Hall
Online seminar via Webex
1. Maxim Bashashin “High-performance analysis of nucleus-nucleus elastic
scattering data within the microscopic model of the optical potential”
2. Astghik Torosyan “Studies of the Wigner quasiprobability distributions”
3. Yelena Mazhitova “Distributed information and computing infrastructure
of the JINR Member State organizations”
4. Tatyana Zaikina “JINR Open Access Institutional Repository on the JOIN²
Software Platform”
5. Ivan Sokolov “Service for parallel computing on MICC resources”
6. Taisia Karamysheva “CORD (Closed ORbit Dynamics): A new field map
evaluation tool for cyclotron particle dynamics”
7. Dina Badreeva “Effect of charged lipids on β-amyloid peptide
interactions with a phospholipid membrane”
8. Dmitry Marov “Information system for analyzing behavioral and
morphological changes in the central nervous system in the study of the
effects of ionizing radiation and other factors (joint project of MLIT
and LRB JINR)”
9. Yurii Butenko “Virtual research environment for modeling physical
processes on the HybriLIT platform”
Wednesday, 23 June 2021, 15:00
MLIT Conference Hall
Online seminar via Webex
Oleynik Danila
Methodology and software for integrating high-performance computing resources into a distributed scientific data processing system managed by PanDA WMS
(based on the PhD thesis)
The talk will present the results of research and development carried out by the applicant within the BigPanDA project. A methodology for integrating high-performance computing (HPC) resources (supercomputers) into distributed high-throughput computing (HTC) systems for processing scientific data will be described. The implementation of this methodology will be shown as both a prototype and a full-scale software package in the frames of the PanDA workload management system (PanDA WMS). A set of recommendations for managing high-throughput data processing on HPC infrastructures are formulated as one of the research results. The possibility of increasing the efficiency of using leadership computing facilities is demonstrated.
June 17, 2021 (Thursday), 1100 , in online format
A source of ultracold neutrons slowed down by a magnetic or material UCN trap
Nuclear & Particle Physics Department, ILL, Grenoble, France
Ultracold neutrons (UCNs) are widely used in the physics of elementary particles and fundamental interactions, and can potentially be used in neutron scattering. However, most of these studies are limited by the available UCN densities and fluxes. One of the ways to increase them, as noted already in the first years of research with UCN, is to use peak fluxes in pulsed neutron sources, orders of magnitude higher than the average. In the present work, the concept of UCN sources is proposed, which makes it possible to implement this idea. We propose to produce very cold neutrons (VCN) in converters located in neutron sources and extract them with low losses. We propose a new way of focusing them in time, as well as their deceleration to UCN energies by an escaping decelerating material or magnetic trap. For both pulsed and permanent neutron sources, this method can provide high conversion efficiency of VCN to UCN.
Links: ——
[1] https://jinr.webex.com/jinr/j.php?MTID=m56bc60084e8388df151b5208f039a8fa
[2] http://flnp.jinr.ru
Dear colleagues!
We invite you to participate in the JINR Insititutional Seminar that will be held on 9 June at 10:00 at the Conference Hall of Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics JINR.
The presentation will be accompanied by a broadcast in Zoom.
Speaker: *Aleksey Fedorov*
(Head of the group of Quantum Information Technologies, “Skolkovo”)
Title: *Quantum Computing Using Multilevel Systems*
Quantum computers are computing devices that use quantum phenomena (such as quantum superposition and quantum entanglement) to solve problems. Quantum computing devices have the potential to outperform classical computers in a variety of tasks, such as cryptanalysis, complex system modeling, and machine learning. The presentation will provide an overview of various models of quantum computing, as well as the main applications of quantum computing devices. We will also consider a model of quantum computing using multilevel systems (qudits). The proposed model is based on a combination of several approaches. The first approach exploits the general relationship between the dimension of the qubits and their link topology, which is necessary for a scalable multi-qudit processor, where higher levels of qudits are used to replace auxiliary qubits. The second approach uses the decomposition of multi-level systems into a set of two-level systems. The application of the approach in current experiments with quantum information processing systems is discussed. The questions of the analysis of quantum computing devices in the context of the theory of open quantum systems will also be touched upon.
Seminar Indico page:
Zoom meeting room:
Meeting ID: 917 3805 384
Password: cZBnLx
With best regards,
Alexander Bednyakov
Tuesday, 1 June 2021, 11:00
MLIT Conference Hall
Online seminar via Webex
Seminar of the participants of the 10th Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists “Alushta-2021”
- Voytishin Nikolay
Reconstruction of simulated and experimental data in the Drift Chambers of the BM@N experiment
- Golunov Alexey
Tape libraries as a part of the MICC mass storage system
- Matveev Mikhail
Usage experience of INTEL DAOS
- Torosyan Shushanik
New service in the HybriLIT ecosystem
- Torosyan Astghik
Describing quantumness of qubits and qutrits by Wigner function’s negativity
Информация о семинаре и ссылка на подключение размещены в Indico:
Dear colleagues!
Please find details related to the institutional seminar on results obtained by the JINR team at the ATLAS at the LHC on 28 May at 11:00
Due to the measures imposed by the JINR Directorate for preventing the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19 infection the seminar will be held via Zoom only.
See please brief instructions on Zoom system use:
Speaker: E.A. Cherepanova
Title: Measurement of the radiation environment of the ATLAS cavern in 2017–2018 with semiconductor pixel ATLAS-GaAsPix detectors
A network of ten semiconductor Timepix detectors with GaAs:Cr sensors was installed in the ATLAS cavern at CERN’s LHC during the shutdown periods 2015–2016 and 2016–2017 in the framework of a cooperation between ATLAS and the Medipix2 Collaboration. The purpose was to augment the existing system of measuring and characterising the radiation environment in the ATLAS cavern that is based on ATLAS-TPX devices with pixelated silicon sensors. The detectors were in continuous operation during 13 TeV proton-proton collisions in 2017–2018. Data were recorded during proton-proton bunch crossings, and during times without bunch crossings (LHC physics runs) as well as between the physics runs. The detectors recorded all interactions of charge particles, neutrons and photons in GaAs sensors, in which the signal was higher than 6.5 keV in individual pixels. This made it possible to register clusters (tracks) of individual radiation particles interacting in the detectors sensors. During the LHC beam-beam collisions the radiation background contains particles produced at the interaction point which punch through the ATLAS detector. In the periods without beam-beam collisions, there were photons and electrons resulting from radioactivity induced during previous collisions in GaAs detectors and in surrounding construction materials, namely by neutrons. The ATLAS-GaAsPix Network measured overall level of particle radiation, the ratio between neutral and charged particles as well as neutron flux distribution in the cavern by measuring a level of induced radioactivity in the sensor materials.
Link to the publication:https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-0221/16/01/P01031
PIN: 20210528
Zoom meeting room:
Meeting ID: 681 7571 4615
Password: 487601
Dear colleagues,
The 22nd Workshop on Computer Algebra in memory of Professor Vladimir Gerdt will be held on May 24-25, LIT Conference hall.
Workshop website: https://indico-hlit.jinr.ru/event/187/overview
Please see the schedule here: https://indico-hlit.jinr.ru/event/187/timetable/#20210524
Memorial session is scheduled on May 24, 11:00-12:30.
Leader – Shvetsov V.N.
May 20, 2021 (Thursday), 11-00, in online format
Time-of-Flight Small Angle Neutron Scattering instrument Bilby: capabilities and performance
Dr Anna Sokolova
Instrument scientist, Small Angle Neutron Scattering
Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering, ANSTO, Australia
Meeting number: 137 999 6474
Meeting password:: 9AFmQGpRg75
Bilby is a ToF Small Angle Neutron Scattering machine at Australian Centre for Neuron Scattering (ACNS) at ANSTO, Sydney, Australia. The instrument is in operation from 2015, with more than 50 pages published. The talk will consist of several parts: SANS instruments at ACNS; Bilby main design features and mono- ToF options; scientific highlights, soft and hard matter.
Четверг, 13 мая 2021 г. 15:00 состоится семинар в Webex:

*Подключение к семинару:*
*Название*: Торжественный семинар, посвященный 70-летию Э.А. Айряна
*Номер совещания (код доступа)*: 183 261 0305
*Пароль совещания*: BygfvV7CM63
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Наберите 1832610305@jinr.webex.com http://1838657751@jinr.webex.com
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*Присоединиться с использованием Microsoft Lync или Microsoft Skype для
Наберите 1832610305
Thursday, 22 April 2021, 15:00
LIT Conference Hall
Online seminar via Webex
Supercomputing and Nuclear Analytical Methods for Air Pollution Management
1.Vladislav Svozilík*
Mathematical Modelling of Air Pollution – Results Verification and Future Perspective
A substantial part of the seminar is devoted to the results of Vladislav Svozilik’s Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Verification of Mathematical Air Pollution Modelling Results by the ADMoSS Model Using UAS Measurement and Biomonitoring”. Knowing the relationship between pollution sources and air pollution concentrations is crucial. Mathematical modelling is a suitable method for the assessment of this relationship. The Analytical Dispersion Modelling Supercomputer System (ADMoSS) is used for air pollution modelling in large areas. Not all pollution sources can be included in the modelling itself, and other uncertainties arise during the simplification of reality. Therefore, calibration by standard air pollution monitoring was included in ADMoSS. Consequently, alternative monitoring methods are needed for model verification. The verification is performed using the results of two special monitoring methods. The first one is a method for measuring air pollution by unmanned airships, and the second one is biomonitoring of air pollution using mosses. The results show that flight measurements using an unmanned airship are suitable for capturing dynamic phenomena, but not verifying a model that reflects a long-term situation in a large area. On the contrary, moss biomonitoring is a suitable method for evaluating modelling results, as well as for identifying specific chemical elements whose distribution coincides with the mathematical model.
2. Petr Jančík*
IT for air quality management – status and perspectives of further cooperation with JINR.
In this case, the broad title encompasses the measurement and mathematical modeling of air pollution, geoinformation technologies for analyzing their results, as well as the preparation and implementation of modeling on parallel supercomputer clusters. Over the past few years, my team and I have been researching and refining mathematical models, expanding the amount of processed input data using powerful supercomputers and verifying model calculations via special monitoring by nuclear analytical methods, namely, NAA of bryophytes, unmanned aerial vehicles and a robotic automatic sampler placed on filters of a former mining tower in the area of interest. We have created a model of air pollution relations in a large area between the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia, which is called Tritia. For this area, we have developed an Air Quality Management System that uses the results of retrospective and perspective modeling over a long period of time (from 2006 to 2040). Researchers from the above countries and JINR have participated in all these works.
* Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies
VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic)
Подключение к семинару: Supercomputing and Nuclear Analytical Methods for Air Pollution Management
Место: https://jinr.webex.com/jinr/j.php?MTID=m94a47487039f882f5ad1e19431d08b6b
Когда: 22 апреля 2021 г. 15:00 – 17:00
Номер совещания (код доступа): 183 457 0262
Пароль совещания: 3YPv2MYk4fF
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Наберите 1834570262@jinr.webex.com
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Присоединиться с использованием Microsoft Lync или Microsoft Skype для бизнеса
Наберите 1834570262.jinr@lync.webex.com
Friday, 16 April 2021, 11:00
LIT Conference Hall
Online seminar via Webex
Dorenskaya Elizaveta
Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics
NRC Kurchatov Institute
Methods and software to decrease the number of errors in the code by reducing the programmer’s participation
(based on the PhD thesis)
Projects to create and develop the digital economy are implemented in Russia and many other countries. People can make mistakes in any program. Three new methods for reducing software errors are considered.
Currently, almost all programming languages are algorithmic. A non-algorithmic Problem Description Language (PDL) is presented. Problem descriptions are created in this language, and then the translator converts them into a text of a high-level algorithmic language. The use of PDL allows one to reduce the programmer’s participation in writing programs. A new method for defining the context of words and documents is described. This method can be applied to the computer analysis of program descriptions and other natural language texts. A bank of algorithm descriptions specially created for the PDL -> Perl translator is proposed. It is a database of software modules that can be used by both humans and computers. The PDL language is tested with the PDL -> Perl translator.
Подключение к семинару:
Название: Методы и программное обеспечение для снижения числа ошибок в коде на основе уменьшения участия программиста
Место: https://jinr.webex.com/jinr/j.php?MTID=mb56a1ec527d647efb902a84706b559a6
Когда: 16 апреля 2021 г. 11:00 – 13:00
Номер совещания (код доступа): 183 685 8205
Пароль совещания: KEk6ns2B2uq
Присоединиться по телефону
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Присоединение с помощью видеосистемы или приложения
Наберите 1836858205@jinr.webex.com
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Присоединиться с использованием Microsoft Lync или Microsoft Skype для бизнеса
Наберите 1836858205.jinr@lync.webex.com
Wednesday, 14 April 2021, 15:00
LIT Conference Hall
Online seminar via Webex
Sychugov Alexey
Institute of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Tula State University
Methods and algorithms for the rapid detection of hazardous states of industrial sites
(based on the doctoral thesis)
The report will present the results of the author’s work on the development of new methods, mathematical models and algorithms for processing information about the state of an industrial site in order to assess, analyze and detect changes in its state, ongoing processes and phenomena, as well as for informational support of the decision-maker on warning and elimination of technogenic emergencies. The work is based on the approaches and tools of machine learning, fuzzy set theory and the theory of artificial immune systems.
A model and a structure of an information system for the rapid detection of hazardous states of industrial sites are developed. The system implements the proposed methods, and its elements are introduced to industrial enterprises of the Tula region
Подключение к семинару:
Название: Методы и алгоритмы оперативного обнаружения опасных состояний промышленных объектов (по материалам докторской диссертации)
Место: https://jinr.webex.com/jinr/j.php?MTID=mb849e10b3b7df502213b3c7f69dca324
Когда: 14 апреля 2021 г. 15:00 – 17:00
Номер совещания (код доступа): 183 878 8968
Пароль совещания: Jm7W4XtGMY8
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Наберите 1838788968@jinr.webex.com
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Присоединиться с использованием Microsoft Lync или Microsoft Skype для бизнеса
Наберите 1838788968.jinr@lync.webex.com
Dear colleagues!
Please find details related to
the institutional seminar on results obtained by the JINR team at the ATLAS at the LHC on 13 April at 10:00
Due to the measures imposed by the JINR Directorate for preventing the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19 infection the seminar will be held via Zoom only.
See please brief instructions on Zoom system use:
Speaker: A. Gongadze
Micromegas detectors production sites at the DLNP
At the present time two sites for the production of the Micromegas detectors are created at the DLNP. The first site was intended for production and tests of the Micromegas chambers of the New Small Wheels (NSW) of the Muon Spectrometer of the ATLAS experiment. There were produces and tested 70 two-sided readout panels, each has 3 m2 area, and 33 Micromegas chambers (quadruplets). By mid of April the full set of 33 quadruplets will be transported to the CERN and team will move to CERN to participate in the wheel’s assembly and commissioning. The second site is intended for the full cycle production of the Micromegas detectors of 60 cm wide according to the corresponding R&D project.
PIN: 20210413
Zoom meeting room:
Meeting ID: 635 8716 5259
Password: 771521
F. Ahmadov
“Measurements of WH and ZH production in the H→b anti-b decay channel in pp collisions at 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
(on results obtained by the JINR team at the ATLAS at the LHC)”
Measurements of the Standard Model Higgs boson decaying into a b anti-b
pair and produced in association with a W or Z boson decaying into
leptons, using proton-proton collision data collected between 2015 and
2018 by the ATLAS detector, will be presented. The measurements use
collisions produced by the Large Hadron Collider at a centre-of-mass
energy of √s=13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 139
1/fb. The production of a Higgs boson in association with a W or Z boson
is established with observed (expected) significances of 4.0 (4.1) and
5.3 (5.1) standard deviations, respectively. Cross-sections of
associated production of a Higgs boson decaying into bottom quark pairs
with an electroweak gauge boson, W or Z, decaying into leptons are
measured as a function of the gauge boson transverse momentum in
kinematic fiducial volumes. The cross-section measurements are all
consistent with the Standard Model expectations, and the total
uncertainties vary from 30% in the high gauge boson transverse momentum
regions to 85% in the low regions. Limits are subsequently set on the
parameters of an effective Lagrangian sensitive to modifications of the
WH and ZH processes as well as the Higgs boson decay into b anti-b.
Link to the publication: arXiv:2007.02873
Due to the measures imposed by the JINR Directorate for preventing the
spread of the coronavirus COVID-19 infection the seminar will be held
via Zoom only.
See please brief instructions on Zoom system use:
PIN: 20210317
Zoom meeting room:
Meeting ID: 679 2224 7581
Password: 840246

Solemn seminar dedicated to the anniversary of T.A. Strizh,
March 4, 2021 15:00 – 17:00
Seminar Connection:
Meeting number (access code): 183 267 8804
Meeting password: 3PgPrEt9Pn8
Join by phone:
Voice over IP only
Joining with a video system or app:
Alternatively, dial and enter the meeting number.
Join using Microsoft Lync or Microsoft Skype for Business:
Information about the seminar and a link to connect are posted on Indico:

Solemn seminar dedicated to
the 90th anniversary of the birth of G.A. Ososkov
Program of the seminar
– Speeches by colleagues and friends
– Scientific seminar
P.V. Goncharov, Using deep learning methods for particle trajectory reconstruction
A.S. Zhemchugov, Fast track reconstruction for the SPD experiment
A.A. Lebedev, S.A. Lebedev, Event reconstruction for the CBM experiment
Информация о семинаре и ссылка на подключение размещены в Indico:
February 3, 2021, 15:00 – 17:00
Offline Software and Computing for the SPD experiment
The SPD (Spin Physics Detector) is a planned spin physics experiment in the second interaction point of the NICA collider that is under construction at JINR. The main goal of the experiment is the test of basic of the QCD via the study of the polarized structure of the nucleon and spin-related phenomena in the collision of longitudinally and transversely polarized protons and deuterons at the center-of-mass energy up to 27 GeV and luminosity up to 10^32 cm^(-2) s^(-1). The data rate at the maximum design luminosity is expected to reach 20 GB/s. Current approaches to SPD computing and offline software will be presented. The plan of the computing and software R&D in the scope of the SPD TDR preparation will be discussed.
Connection :
Meeting number (Access code): 174 978 0662
Passwd: CNpx6Rp3JW3
Join by phone : Voice over IP only
Joining with a video system or app Dial: 1749780662@jinr.webex.com
Alternatively, dial and enter the meeting number.
Join using Microsoft Lync or Microsoft Skype for Business Dial 1749780662.jinr@lync.webex.com