CVMFS . How to maintenace the cvmfs repo (for cvmfs users)

First, to place new software at CVMFS , you need to apply for the creation of a new repository  and send the user (from the host from where access  at vmfs will be provided)   to  CICC administrator ( Gromova Natalia

As soon as the new repository is created, login this way:

ssh cfs.$ , $newrepo=name

#  to update the repo  (with sudo)
# 1.  transaction  – make cvmfs/$ writable
# 2.  cvmfs_rsync – copy new content to repo
# 3. publish commit chages in repo
#  make it read-only again & ready for snapshort from stratum-1

cvmfs_server transaction $
cvmfs_rsync -a <from> /cvmfs/$

or for convenience and safety updates use command  /usr/bin/cvmfs_rsync :

rsync –filter=’-p.cvmfscatalog’ –filter=’-p.cvmfsautocatalog’  “$@”

cvmfs_server publish $

# misc commands
# abort commit (just before publish)
cvmfs_server abort $
# remove repo from stratum-0 complitely  do that on stratum-1 too
cvmfs_server rmfs $

# cvmfs check

cvmfs_server check -i $

# cvmfs configuration info

/usr/bin/cvmfs_server info