The CICC is a unified information and computing complex designed for all local and international JINR projects.
The CICС infrastructure provides users with services:
- computing
- data storage
- access to users’ home directories
- access to user software versions
- GRID support
- data transmission
- distributed computing management system
- information support (monitoring, information sites)
- support services
All computing and data storage resources are serviced by a single basic software. The software settings of the complex are optimized to maximize the use of computing resources and support the most universal and secure methods of accessing data storage. Distribution and accounting of computing resources is supported based on a batch processing system and a resource scheduler.
Puppet is a client—server application that allows you to centrally manage the configuration of operating systems and programs to configure and maintain a certain state of the CICC.
Data storage is provided by EOS, EOSCTA, cvmfs, XROOTD and dCache storage systems (for ATLAS, CMS). Access to shared software and users’ home directories is provided by AFS, cvmfs, and gitlab. The kerberos5 and ldap system is used to register and authentication local JINR users.
Distribution and accounting of computing resources is supported based on a batch processing system and a resource scheduler. The basic computing service is the Slurm Workload Manager, which is a free, open-source job scheduler for Linux and Unix-like systems and used by many of the world’s supercomputers and computing clusters.
Who can use CICC:
JINR users
Attached researchers
Students practicing in JINR
Third party staff participating in collaboration
How to know if you need СIСC:
you are a JINR project participant
your tasks require computing power
you need data storage
you have to use GRID