Annual Statistics 2022: Batch System, EOS

Batch System:


Laboratory Jobs number CPU time
Wall time
DLNP 112258 399753.03 735989.31
FLNP 221 11879.50 11896.85
Other groups 520 315.44 318.9
MPD 5496 33804.35 34857.25
COMPASS 58097 203803.36 209804.63
TOTAL 176592 649555.67 992867
Total CPU time used:   992867  kiloSPECint2000*hour

A total of 550 accounting files will be processed.
The first record is dated 01/02/2022, last record is dated 12/21/2022.





Group/user phys used logi used files phys quota logi quota
asys 0.00TB 0.00TB 0K 100.00TB 50.00TB 00.00%
baikalgvd 1350.00TB 674.29TB 22790K 2400.00TB 1200.00TB 56.19%
biohlit 14.40TB 7.20TB 20K 400.00TB 200.00TB 3.60%
borexino 0.00TB 0.00TB 0K 200.00TB 200.00TB 0.00%
cms1 3.93TB 1.97TB 0K 200.00TB 100.00TB 1.97%
cms2 7.60TB 3.80TBTB 99K 200.00TB 100.00TB 3.80%
cms3 4.54TB 2.27TB 55K 200.00TB 100.00TB 2.27%
cms4 33.05TB 16.53TB 87K 200.00TB 100.00TB 16.53%
danss 311.91TB 155.96TB 360K 400.00TB 200.00TB 77.98%
darkside 0.0TB 0.0TB 0K 20.0TB 20.0TB 0%
dayabay 1200.00TB 599.83TB 4660K 1300.00TB 650.00 TB 92.28%
dstau 26.06TB 15.04TB 52K 50.00TB 25.00TB 52.11%
er 2.83TB 1.42TB 2K 10.00TB 5.00TB 28.35%
flnp-admin 63.72TB 31.86TB 3820K 60.00TB 30.00TB 79.65%
fobos 276.06TB 138.03TB 819K 500.00TB 250.00TB 55.21%
genetics 1.01TB 0.51TB 11K 24.00TB 12.00TB 4.22%
juno 1210.00TB 602.83TB 6870K 2000.00TB 1000.00TB 60.28%
monument 0.01TB 0.00TB 0K 200.00TB 100.00TB 0.00%
/nica/bmn 289.84TB 144.92TB 330K 400.00TB 200.00TB 72.46%
/nica/magmeasure 38.24TB 19.12TB 621K 120.00TB 60.00TB 31.87%
/nica/mpd 1150.00TB 574.42TB 3110K 2000.00TB 1000.00TB 57.44%
/nica/mpdits 0.03TB 0.02TB 12K 40.00TB 20.00TB 0.09%
/nica/spd 543.85TB 271.93TB 165K 1000.00TB 500.00TB 54.39%
panda 15.03TB 7.52TB 80K 100.00TB 50.00TB 44.10%
 scg   14.72TB 7.36TB 79K  200.00TB  100.00TB  7.52%
star 131.55TB 65.77TB 1840K 160.00TB 80.00TB 77.09%

               Quotas summary

Total:    16582.31TB
Allocated in EOS (logi quota): 12533.98TB
Used by users/groups (phys quota):   6391.98TB
Free logical space :   4048.36TB
Free  physical space :   10190.36TB
Batch System:

Laboratory Jobs number CPU time
Wall time
DLNP 112258 399753.03 735989.31
FLNP 221 11879.50 11896.85
Other groups 520 315.44 318.9
TOTAL 112999 411947.96 748205.12
Total CPU time used: 748205.12 kiloSPECint2000*hour


CPU clock N-hours Wall clock N-hours
mpd   5496   33804.35    34857.25
сompass 58097 203803.36  209804.63
TOTAL 63593 237607.71  244661.88

CPUclock/Wallclock – Normalized to 1000 Specint2000

A total of 275 accounting files will be processed.
The first record is dated 01/02/2022, last record is dated 12/21/2022.