Access to EOS from workstations through ssh.

For users with ssh login from your machine with key authorization in .ssh / authorized_keys highly recommended to avoid eos write problems following:

1. login with  command:

ssh -o PreferredAuthentications=password lxpubXX

2.check Kerberos ticket, AFS token:  klist

3. Access to eos:  eos whoami  It should be like this:

lxpub05:~ > klist -Adfa
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_8142_mVKJq32096
Default principal: vmi@JINR.RU

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
06/04/20 15:56:15  06/05/20 16:56:15  krbtgt/JINR.RU@JINR.RU
renew until 06/14/20 15:56:15, Flags: FPRI
Addresses: (none)
lxpub05:~ > eos whoami
Virtual Identity: uid=8142 (99,8142) gid=800
(99,530,540,541,615,800,812,2201) [authz:krb5] geo-location=RU::JINR::LIT

Next, you go make sure that writing to EOS is correct (in the example /eos/er is used):

lxpub05:~ > cp file.txt /eos/er/file-eos.txt
lxpub05:~ > diff -U0  file.txt /eos/er/file-eos.txt
— file.txt    2016-04-06 14:33:04.000000001 +0300
+++ /eos/er/file-eos.txt   2020-06-04 16:02:10.570312260 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1 @@