Access to eos for CICC users from lxpubXX nodes (XX = 01,02,03,04,05)

The farm nodes, batch systems, eos are configured using FUSE-mount, that is, as a file system. The EOS space is available in the following directories: /eos / <name project>,  /eos /user / <initial>/<loginId>. Users on can work with “eos files” in the usual way: ls, cp, cat, vi, emacs … Reading is allowed to all registered users, writing is allowed to users belonging to the corresponding group. In addition to the data specified for reading / writing, the following commands are used, both locally and for remote hosts:

  •  rsync –a —out-format=%f%L -v —progress -e «ssh -akx -l <remote_user>» \<remote_host>:<remote_dir_tree> /eos/…/…./…
  • scp [-1246BCpqrv] [-c cipher] [-F ssh_config] [-i identity_file]
    [-l limit] [-o ssh_option] [-P port] [-S program]
    [[user@]host1:]file1 … [[user@]host2:]file2
  • xrdcp  it is a program for copying files from and to xrootd servers using the protocol   (root: //).

xrdcp [options] source destination  (look for “mаn xrdcp”)

source  is  :

dash (i.e. -), indicates standard input file,

local file,

local directory  with suffix /,

-URL xrootd adress :     xroot: //user @host:port//absolutepath

  destination is:

dash (i.e. -), indicates standard input file,

local file,

local directory name with suffix /

-URL  xrootd adress    :    xroot: //user@host:port//absolutepath

The xrootd url at  the CICC is set in the standard environment of the variable EOS_MGM_URL=root://

Example: lxpub01:~/panda > xrdcp xrd_list.txt root://
lxpub01:~/panda > lxpub01:~/panda > xrdcp root:// list.txt

lxpub01:~/panda > ls -l
total 4
-rw-r–r– 1 grom lcta 295 Mar 13 14:55 list.txt

lxpub01:~/panda > xrdcp $EOS_MGM_URL//eos/panda/test/list.txt list2.txt


  • eoscp   [-5] [-0] [-X <type>] [-t <mb/s>] [-h] [-x] [-v] [-V] [-d] [-l] [-b <size>] [-T <size>] [-Y] [-n] [-s] [-u <id>] [-g <id>] [-S <#>] [-D <#>] [-O <filename>] [-N <name>]<src1> [src2…] <dst1> [dst2…]

<srcN> : path/url or – for STDIN
<dstN> : path/url or – for STDOUT

Meaning of all options :   eoscp -help


lxpub01:/eos/panda/test > eoscp /eos/panda/test/eos.png /scrc/u/grom/file.png
[eoscp] Total 0.03 MB |====================| 100.00 % [0.8 MB/s]
[eoscp] #################################################################
[eoscp] # Date : ( 1584104957 ) Fri Mar 13 16:09:17 2020
[eoscp] # auth forced=<none> krb5=<none> gsi=/tmp/x509up_u8024
[eoscp] # Source Name [00] : /eos/panda/test/eos.png
[eoscp] # Destination Name [00] : /scrc/u/grom/file.png
[eoscp] # Data Copied [bytes] : 30359
[eoscp] # Realtime [s] : 0.040000
[eoscp] # Eff.Copy. Rate[MB/s] : 0.758975
[eoscp] # Write Start Position : 0
[eoscp] # Write Stop Position : 30359
lxpub01:/eos/panda/test >

Глобальный доступ к EOS в GRID  также осуществляется средствами ПО WLCG : srm, gridftp .

При возникновении каких-либо  проблем  доступа к eos   рекомендуем следующее :

1.  проверить Kerberos ticket , AFS token :  klist

2. Доступ к eos : eos whoami

Должно быть так :

Global access to EOS at  GRID is also provided by means of WLCG software: srm, gridftp. If you have any problems accessing eos, we recommend the following:

1.check Kerberos ticket, AFS token: klist

2. Access to eos: eos whoami It should be like this:


lxpub05:~ > klist -Adfa
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_8142_mVKJq32096
Default principal: vmi@JINR.RU

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
06/04/20 15:56:15  06/05/20 16:56:15  krbtgt/JINR.RU@JINR.RU
renew until 06/14/20 15:56:15, Flags: FPRI
Addresses: (none)
lxpub05:~ > eos whoami
Virtual Identity: uid=8142 (99,8142) gid=800
(99,530,540,541,615,800,812,2201) [authz:krb5] geo-location=RU::JINR::LIT