Storage systems: AFS, EOS, CVMFS, XRootD, dCache(ATLAS,CMS only)
Interactive cluster servers and those of computing farms have a limited disk space used for OS itself and a few auxiliary utilities as well as temporary users’ files with a limited storage time span.
is an open source storage software solution for managing multiple PB -storage for the experiments . It is intended for storing and accessing large amounts of information, including for distributed collective data generation, storing raw data of installations, data conversion and analysis. It is common for Tier1 and Tier2.
It has a scalable hierarchical namespace and the ability to access data via the xrootd protocol. Global access to EOS is carried out using the WLCG software (srm, gridftp).
The main goal of the EOS service is the physical analysis of data, which is characterized by a large number of concurrent users, a significant share of random access to data, and a high speed of opening files.
For user authentication EOS supports Kerberos certificates (for local access) and X.509 for access to GRID. To simplify workflow integration, SRM and gridftp are also available.
Currently, the EOS CICC is used to store experiments: NICA, BM@N, MPD , SPD, baikalgvd, danss, dayabay, dstau, er, fobos, genetics, juno, lgd, panda.
EOS is visible as a local file system /cvmfs and allows reading and writing data to authorized users (using the kerberos5 protocol)
EOS instructions are here.
The AFS (Andrew File System) Service provides networked file storage for users, in particular home directories and project spaces The CICC has 7 AFS servers installed.
AFS instructions are here.
The CVMFS is used to deploy large Software Packages of collaborations working in the WLCG. Used to run experimental data processing applications. Files and directories are placed on standard web servers and mounted on the universal /cvmfs namespace.
At present, we already have versions of the NICA, BM@N, MPD, dstau, er, jjnano, juno, baikalgvd software. CVMFS capacity is 140TB = 2 machines: 2x70TB h/w RAID1 (one was 9.5 GB )
The dCache hardware-software complex is used to store large volumes ATLAS and CMS data only in the JINR CICC. We support the following dCache installations:
disk servers ;
tape robots;
tape lirary (T1CMS): IBM TS3500 + IBM T45500
XRootD software framework is a fully generic suite for fast, low latency and scalable data access, which can serve natively any kind of data, organized as a hierarchical filesystem-like namespace, based on the concept of directory. As a general rule, particular emphasis has been put in the quality of the core software parts. At the CICC, the XrootD is intended for the VO PANDA.