2018- OLD – Computing NICA, MPD, BMN at LIT farm.

NICA Computing.

NICA cluster machines are available for users of the NICA collaborations at LIT farm. To login, use your account for nc machines (nc[2,3,8,9].jinr.ru):

ssh -X [username]@nc2.jinr.ru

The FairSoft and FairRoot software are installed on each nc-machine.

FairSoft is located at /opt/fairsoft/install directory,
FairRoot –                    /opt/fairroot/install.

Please, use these last supported versions on the cluster.

The rules of using the NICA cluster:
—Home directory space (/nica/user/*/*) should not exceed 10 GB.
—User working directories should be created on the shared cluster disks mounted as /nica/mpd* and named by login of the user. The working directory should not exceed 100 GB on each disk.

Computing at HybriLIT cluster & GOVORUN.

The HybriLIT  heterogeneous cluster is a computation component of the Multifunctional center for data storage processing and analysis of LIT JINR, which contains a multicore component and computation accelerators  With the HybriLIT team an agreement was reached on using the heterogeneous cluster and GOVORUN supercomputer   for the NICA tasks. Once you have registered in the HybriLIT complex, you can login with your account:

ssh [username]@hydra.jinr.ru

MPD computing.

MPD-cluster ( lxmpd-ui.jinr.ru) at   JINR LIT Farm     is avaiable for the users of NICA/MPD software framework. Once you have registered in the LIT complex, you can login with your account for lxpub[01-05] machines:

ssh [username]@lxmpd-ui.jinr.ru

To work with experiment software, you should run the following command after every login:

scl enable devtoolset-4 python27 bash

Users have an additional disk space  /scr/u/ directory.  Also, a shared NFS space was allocated at /opt/exp_soft/mpd  directory for NICA users, where you can create and use your working directory:

 mkdir /opt/exp_soft/mpd/$USER 
 cd /opt/exp_soft/mpd/$USER

The FairSoft and FairRoot software were installed at

/afs/.jinr.ru/fairsoft/oct17p1 and


directories, respectively.

You should change SIMPATH:

 export SIMPATH=/afs/.jinr.ru/fairsoft/oct17p1


export FAIRROOTPATH=/afs/.jinr.ru/fairroot/17.10b

variables in SetEnv.sh file of the BmnRoot or MpdRoot environments before configuring to use it.