2020: 1) Changed batch server to Slurm type. Works and is used by CE. 2) Changed Computing Element (CE) for WLCG type - ARC6. (CREAM-CE is no longer supported by the central service launching tasks). 3) the farm is transferred to Scientific Linux release 7 4) Added new tape robot (IBM TS4500). 5) PhEDEx replaced by RUCIO. 6) New EOS servers was hooked up. 7) User interface lxui [01-04] .jinr.ru (gateway for external connections) 8) Increased disk space of the interactive cluster /scrc (2.2TB)
Computing Resources (CE)
- Interactive cluster: lxpub [01-05] .jinr.ru
- User interface lxui [01-04] .jinr.ru (gateway for external connections)
- Computing farms:
–general purpose farm,
–farm for LHC experiments,
–cluster for NICA, MPD, BM@N (lxmpd-ui.jinr.ru)
Total: 248 compute nodes (WNs), 4128 cores (cores / slots), 55489 HS06.
Storage Systems (SE)
dCache: disk servers 9.7 PB tape robots: IBM TS3500(1.6PB) + IBM T45500(1.6PB) EOS: 7.198 PB CVMFS: 2 machines: 2x70 TB h / w RAID1 (VOs: NICA (MPD, B@MN, SPD).
CentOS Scientific Linux release 7.9 GCC: gcc (GCC) 4.4.7 C ++: g ++ (GCC) 4.4.7 FC: GNU Fortran (GCC) 4.4.7 * FLAGS: -O2 -pthread -fPIC -m32 BATCH: SLURM with adaptation to kerberos and AFS dCache-5.2 Enstore 6.3 for tape robots SPECall_cpp2006 with 32-bit binaries SPEC2006 version 1.1 WLCG FTS FairSoft FairRoot MPDroot