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Welcome to the TWiki portal of the AMS-02 Experiment.

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---++ Trigger/DAQ

* DAQ portal
* Trigger portal

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---++ Detector

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---++ Computing

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* AFS cell
* AMS FreeNX Server (pcamsr1) connection from outside CERN
* Castor EOS File access
* Mini SOC at CERN
* AMS cluster
* Users documentation on AMS computing facilities

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---++ Data

* Offline Software
* Offline Software Releases
* Analysis Documentation
* Job Submission Guide
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---++ POCC
* POCC portal

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---++ Physics
* Physics portal
* Standard p/He flux selection
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*Welcome to T1_RU_JINR

*(Under construction)

The *T1_RU_JINR Tier1 centre provides large-scale computing facilities for CMS Particle Physics experiment. It provides scientific computing facilities and wide area networking systems with common interfaces to *WLCG resources.

*T1_RU_JINR Current state

Services Storage T1_RU_JINR now
FTS 2.2.8 PhEDEx 4.1.2 for disk-only dCache and MSS Argus server 2x Frontier Squids site BDII and top-level BDII UI, MyProxy, WMS, LB, LFC for internal testing All services run EMI-3 Computing field: 1200 cores (17K HS06), Torque/Maui, 2xCREAM CE Disk-only dCache (running v2.6), 450 TB; has xrootd-federation working plugin dCache for MSS (v2.2), 130 TB pools + 72 TB tapes supports CMS as the tape-less Tier-1 since October 2013 participates in CMS Multicore job scheduling project: able to run multicore glideins (12-cores) through ce{01,02} mcore queues has been tested for high memory (6GB) jobs

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Topic revision: r2 - 2014-07-31 - TWikiAdminUser
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